
Fees based on trade cycle

POS: Position Size (= leverage x collateral)

Major/Minor Crypto

  1. Opening

    • Opening / Canceling Limit Order: Free

    • Matching Limit / Market Order: Free Open & Tx fee (When the free open fee incentive does not apply - 0.04% x POS)

  2. Maintaining

    • Updating Take Profit, Stop Loss, Collateral: $0.1 in every action

    • Funding

      • Major: (-0.0024% ~ +0.0024%) x POS per hour

      • Minor: (-0.0048% ~ +0.0048%) x POS per hour

  3. Closing

    • Closing Market, Updating TP / SL: 0.04% x POS (Free Tx fee)

    • Liquidation: 5% x Collateral


  • Opening

    • Opening / Canceling Limit Order: Free

    • Matching Limit / Market Order: 0.006% x POS (Free Tx fee)

  • Maintaining

    • Updating Take Profit, Stop Loss, Collateral: $0.1 in every action

    • Funding: (-0.0012% ~ +0.0012%) x POS per hour

  • Closing

    • Closing Market, Updating TP / SL: 0.006% x POS (Free Tx fee)

    • Liquidation: 5% x Collateral

Detail Descriptions

Free Opening Fee Incentive

Goal: A portion of the Treasury's surplus is used to pay trader opening fees. Through this, it promotes traders' transactions and maximizes the profits of USDC stakers.

Accumulation Detail

  • If the treasury collateral ratio exceeds 110% at the end of each epoch, 20% of the treasury is reserved to an opening fee incentive vault.

  • The opening fee is fully paid by the incentive vault within the balance range within the vault. Traders can check the balance of the incentive vault and whether fee support is available on FEES section.

Amount to Reserve = Staked USDC Amount x (Treasury Collateral Ratio - 110%) / 100 x 20% / 100

Opening Fee | Closing Fee | Update Fee

Goal: The opening fee is used to operate the service, and the closing fee is distributed to stakers.


  • Opening Fee: ecosystem + Development + Referral

  • Closing Fee: 50% USDC Stakers + 50% CNG stakers

  • Updating SL, TP & Collateral: Development

Spread: The spread reflects the assessed riskiness of the asset based on the market's liquidity and trading volume; spread increases with higher price volatility and decreases with lower volatility. (Event : 50% off)

Network Fee

Goal: Blockchain usage fees received for performing transactions on trader behalf. Traders can trade and pay fees with a single USDC token without having to hold ETH to pay gas fees.

Funding Fee
  • Cryptocurrencies (Major): 0.0024%

  • Cryptocurrencies (Minor): 0.0048%

  • Forex (Major): 0.0012%

Goal: Reduce the difference between the long and short open interests so that there is not an excessive amount of exposure on one side of a trading pair. This fee is applied to the net exposure of a pair.


100% Traders with opposing position

For Long Positions

Accumulated funding fee per Open_interest (long) += (Long Open_interest - Short Open_interest) * blocks_elapsed * funding fee per block % / Long Open_interest.

For Short Positions

Accumulated funding fee per Open_interest (short) += (Short Open_interest - Long Open_interest) * blocks_elapsed * funding fee per block % / Short Open_interest.

**When the value is negative, it is included in the trade value in the same manner as positive PnL and it also moves the liquidation price further away. Conversely, if the value is positive, it is subtracted from the trade value like negative PnL and it also moves the liquidation price closer.


When hourly funding fee is positive 0.0012%: Suppose the user opens a trade with $100 collateral. The net exposure will increase by $100*0.0012% for every hour; and is paid on an hourly basis.

When funding fee is negative 0.0012%: Suppose the user opens a trade with $100 collateral. The net exposure will decrease $100*0.0012% every hour; and is paid on an hourly basis.

Liquidation Fee

When: Happens when a loss of open trade is more than 90% of collateral.


50% USDC Stakers + 50% CNG Stakers


Liquidation Price Distance = Open Price * (Collateral * 0.9 - Funding Fees) / Collateral / Leverage

Liquidation price

(Long) Open Price - Liquidation Price Distance

(Short): Open Price + Liquidation Price Distance


When BTC/USD pair is $25000, And you open a market long position with 1000 USDC collateral with x5 leverage. Your funding fee of 2 USDC. Your liquidation price will be 25000 - 25000 x (1000 x 0.9 - 1 - 2) / 1000 / 5 = 20,515 USDC.

Last updated